Aaaagh he is till trying to bury dog biscuits in the stairs!
Dog Training
As anyone who has been monitoring these (latterly infrequent) missives. This has all started out through the desire to show the "family mutt" - Elmo the manic Labrador Cross - 60 lbs of Fun Fur and Chaos, who's boss!
He is till trying to bury dog biscuits in the stairs causing much consternation when coming down for a cup of tea in the morning and I swear I will swing for him one day (only joking animal lovers) and this is turning out to be a battle of wills.
Anyway enough of that,a nother couple of ebooks have come our way as well as Sit Stay Fetch (available through the link at the top of this blog or
here ). The moment we have the info on these new ones we will let you kow what we think.
Got to go some to beat Sit Stay Fetch though.
Off to hide the dog biscuits!
Dog Training